Monday, December 26, 2016

My tyrst with Mr. Insomniac

Every time when someone would ask me, "Hey, did you sleep fine?", I flustered to answer this question. Most of my friends would easily respond saying they had a good nights sleep. I always failed to comprehend what is a good nights sleep and how does one have a good nights sleep?

Is it to snore your way to glory? Is it the tiredness after great sex (I say that because, all my friends are married and love their spouses)? Is it the rumbling sound of the fan which is critical to put you to sleep? Is it the nice playlist on your phone which is a must? Is the bed time stories to tell your child while you put them to bed? Is it a nice book by the bed side you read before you close your eyes into the imaginary world? Is it the romantic movie you watch which magnifies your dreaming capabilities? I can go on and on..... but fail to understand how does one achieve a good nights sleep?

As I wonder on most of the days to get the answer to this question, I realized that during the nights I began falling in love with an imaginary soul - Mr.Insomniac. The more days I was awake, the more deeper we got connected. As funny as it might sound, but Mr.Insomniac doesn't really answer any of my questions, because he knows, if he did I would dump him. *wink*.

Well we started talking almost every night and I must say Mr.Insomniac is quite a personality and a great company. He ensures to make every single night of mine very interesting and longer than the previous one. He just doesn't give up even when I ask him to leave me alone for sometime. Such thick is our friendship. And what can I say, I see it growing deeper and thicker with every passing day.

As much as I like Mr.Insomniac and don't want my tryst with him to come to an end, I wish he understands that I need my space too. Yes Mister, you need to be alone on some days and  let me be alone as well. Only then will this friendship last longer, else you would see it gone before even one of us realizes.

I wish I had not…..

A lot of times we hear people say that I wish I had done this and done that, which means they regret not having done certain things in life.

Well, can you look back at your life and see if there were any moments in your life you wished you had not done? I do sometimes go through the phase were I feel I should not have done that, should not have said that, should not have even had a thought which I dint like cross my mind. But then, it was all done, said and thought. It was too late.

If you could go back and undo those times today, would you? I certainly would!! But how the conversations would have been while un-doing those times needed another level of courage and maturity to understand.

Every time, I have the thought of “I wish I had not” cross my mind, it leaves a very big impact making me feel awkward and the thought gets stuck in my head for a very long time until I perform the cleansing action. When I go through that mental anguish and look for a door to vent that anguish, I probably end up writing, not because I can’t articulate it, but because the pain is so deep that I feel my vocal chords stop functioning. The only permissive organs that functions at that point in time in my body are my mind, my broken heart and my tear glands.

Now that I wish I had not, but then I know I did, there comes the bigger battle to fight - holding myself accountable. The biggest irony, yet beauty of life is, not knowing how it’s your fault and yet being accountable for not having to do what you did. It’s a tough battle!!!

How many times have I gotten past that battle, I don’t know. I say I don’t know because I wish the venting and talking happened more realistically. I feel it’s a challenging event that happens to me.

I know I love myself a lot and I can love people who matter to me going all out, but I do feel miserable on some days. You might wonder how can one feel miserable if they are so self obsessed. I don't have answers to it either. Does my mind know? - Maybe. Does the thought in my mind say it loud and clear for me to accept it and move on - Maybe or Maybe not....

Saturday, December 3, 2016

California, A dreamland - San Franciso and The Napa Valley

I landed in San Franciso, California on a cold or should I say chilled Thursday morning. First look as you start entering the city and you know this would be a magical place. San Franciso is a home to people from all cultures - the hippies, liberals, techhies, up class sophistication included.

As I toured through the city, my first stop was at the Golden Gate Bridge. This is one of San Franciso's famous landmark. As much a breathtaking view you get of the place, it is also true that you would not want to miss a single angle of this beautiful place. I was no different. Even with the coldest breeze blowing your hair and freezing your face, you still love every pictures captured.
The Golden Gate Bridge
Touring the city is an adventure in itself. The Fisherman's Wharf, Pier 39 and Ghiradelli Square speak volumes of the vibrant culture of this City with street performers, numerous souvenir shops and passer-by's waving at each other randomly is a sight to watch and experience. As you go around the city you realize that the entire city is crazy with steep roads thrown randomly at any junction you walk past.
At the Pier 39
SFO is a place where you can find almost all types of transportation. It's definenitly worth trying them all. Like the cable car, which is a must ride. The moment you enter this cable car, you would be amazed at how this age old mode of transportation is the most loved one in one of the most busiest places, The Union Square. People swarm the cable cars both as an adventure ride and as a serious transport mode.
Cable Car at The Union Square
SFO will never disappoint you with its vivacious aura. One such place is The Lombard Street. You will always wonder the craziness of people in SFO. The guide says, in SFO when you say someone that it can't be done, you will see it done. Hence, The Lombard Street was born. The pleasure it brings to the eyes of a tourist is unimaginable. If you have been procrastinating your workout, one uphill and downhill walk on this street and it will change your mind. Enough to motivate you to stay fit
Lombard Street
My weekend getaway in California was to The Napa Valley. As me and my friend drove zipping past the vineyards in the rains, the scintillating silence and the beauty of the nature both complied together is an experience and a sight you can't forget in the longest of time.
The route to Napa Valley - Had to be obvious
Needless to say why Napa has one of the best wines in the whole wide world. The wine tasting tour was definitely icing on the cake to this trip. One gets to taste a lot of different kinds of wines for low prices. It's a must visit with your partner for a romantic getaway. To sum up the entire wine tasting experience at Napa in just two words - Simply Divine.
Peju Vineyard

Merlot Wine
Being to San Franciso and Napa was just the tip of the ice-berg for the many things done and beyond. Until I get there again to see a lot more places, I wish to live-by and cherish the moments spent there. All worth it!!