Saturday, June 20, 2015

Life without make-up

I met a make-up artist at one of the most visited malls in Bangalore showing off his make-up skills with strokes from different brushes moving seamlessly from one palate of colors to another. I asked him, what do you think is the latest or the evolving trend in make-up today? Without even a blink, comes the reply "Less is more".

This might be a bit of an understatement for a make-up artiste, but the indication it gives to life is larger than that three words. Look closely and you will realize, Life - is without make-up. It gets more vivid and more impactful as one grows over the years. Sometimes you put it to test and many other times it tests you. Whatever the case, its like a white light in a prism that comes out with colors exuding a different personality of you at every single second.

Style is your ticket to expression, make-up is the quirkiness on a dreary day. Take-off all this, its just the real you -  as free, or as discreet, as subdued or as flamboyant you want to be.

The technology available today allows us to integrate life and its many facets, but remember to integrate yourself with life and create a balance. Keep life moving and it will allow you to flow and let you count on the comfort it brings along the way. Don't always focus on the goal, instead take stock of how far you've come and cherish.

As much success allows you to celebrate in open, failure shapes you that much more and teaches you to be humble. It makes you realize you're very much human and connected to your emotions. Don't dread failure. It is as real as your success.

Colors make you chirpy, but be the monochromatic natural human as well.


  1. Rightly said Sneha. Just yesterday I was buying a cream for my sensitive face and the sales girl shows me something and says this gives a natural look (can you see the irony :D).
    Outside the topic, I just saw your blog. Good work here...keep going!
