It's the International Women's Day today. I love everything about this day. Special discounts, lots of wishes from friend's and family. This really makes me feel special. I am sure many echo on these aspects with me.
There's always this pressure on a woman to be able to manage work and life flawlessly. To be able to multitask. But this women's day let's take a moment and ask the men we know, how they would balance work and family? How often they give the woman of the house the most needed break?
To see a woman multitask, balance, be patient with her family and yet dare to be unapologetic is what I feel is a complete phenomenal woman. Being a woman, I feel the need of the hour is not to be resentful, but to be calm and and be multidimensional.
I believe anything in excess gets stressful to cope with. Hence, it's extremely important to be able to set your priorities in place (Ladies, this was the most valuable piece of advice that I have got till date from a very close male friend of mine). With that, the only thing that comes to mind is there is only one person in your life who's of utmost importance - YOURSELF.
Let's for once, stop getting this age old sexist divide in the forefront of what a woman can or has to do versus what a man is meant to do. Rather, focus on understanding that both men and women are equal and deserve to be respected that way. Women have to flaunt their feminism with lot more confidence. It's necessary to retain the feminine sensitivities. Nurturing the masculine side, will only do more harm than any good. Ladies, we are not here to win the battle of the hour with men and indulge ourselves in male bashing. The focus needs to be more on making ourselves better rather than letting the male counterpart do that for us.
Ladies, stop being so hard on yourself. Splurge. Love yourself.
There's always this pressure on a woman to be able to manage work and life flawlessly. To be able to multitask. But this women's day let's take a moment and ask the men we know, how they would balance work and family? How often they give the woman of the house the most needed break?
To see a woman multitask, balance, be patient with her family and yet dare to be unapologetic is what I feel is a complete phenomenal woman. Being a woman, I feel the need of the hour is not to be resentful, but to be calm and and be multidimensional.
I believe anything in excess gets stressful to cope with. Hence, it's extremely important to be able to set your priorities in place (Ladies, this was the most valuable piece of advice that I have got till date from a very close male friend of mine). With that, the only thing that comes to mind is there is only one person in your life who's of utmost importance - YOURSELF.
Let's for once, stop getting this age old sexist divide in the forefront of what a woman can or has to do versus what a man is meant to do. Rather, focus on understanding that both men and women are equal and deserve to be respected that way. Women have to flaunt their feminism with lot more confidence. It's necessary to retain the feminine sensitivities. Nurturing the masculine side, will only do more harm than any good. Ladies, we are not here to win the battle of the hour with men and indulge ourselves in male bashing. The focus needs to be more on making ourselves better rather than letting the male counterpart do that for us.
Ladies, stop being so hard on yourself. Splurge. Love yourself.
Good one!